Behind the Rstore scenes, you will find our experienced top team, which consists of a balanced mix of niche experts and ICT people with a broad general knowledge. Talented commercial purchasing and sales people complete our team.
We engage in co-creation with you, our customers, to turn technology into the best total solution tailored to the organization and the people. We are fully committed to efficient collaboration and carefree partnerships.
In that context, we cultivate a pragmatic, constructive, and proactive internal attitude and we promote an open, balanced feedback culture.
Contact us with any questions you may have and we will forward them to the most suitable expert.
If you prefer to address a specific individual, simply mention the person's name and we will make sure they receive your question.
Together, we are proud to be part of Realdolmen and of the Products & Licenses business organization specifically. As such, we can not only tackle your operational ICT-questions, but the strategic and tactical ones as well.